Delivery of petroleum products
We can assure you of the following points:
1. Specifications comply with international export standards.
2. Diesel EN590 10PPM/ JetA1/ Crude Oil can be delivered in the desired quantities.
3. Goxx only supplies sanction-free products from neutral countries.
4. Payment is made in USD/EUR via international non-sanctioned banks.
5. Delivery FOB e.g. Rotterdam or Fujairah is carried out by the producer.
In order to conduct binding negotiations with the producer and conclude a contract, GOXX LLC requires an LOI from the buyer.
GOXX LLC will obtain credit information about the company mentioned in the LOI through an international agency.
We will inform you of the result!
LNG - Liquefied Natural Gas
PRODUCT: Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
DELIVERY POINT: (To be discussed)
ORIGIN: Non Sanctioned Country
DELIVERY TERMS: Delivered – ex ship (DES)
CONTRACT: Term Contract with trial shipment
QUANTITY: 100,000 Metric Ton per month
QUALITY: As per Specifications
REFERENCE PRICE: (To be discussed)
PAYMENT: Subject to Credit and Contract
QUANTITY & QUALITY: As ascertained and confirmed at load port by inspector
LAW & JURISDICTION: English Law / London Arbitration